Species Description
There are many species of frog out there that are still yet to be discovered. With the planet being polluted, there are certain critically endangered species.
General Impacts
There are many things that might happen when a species dies out from prey overpopulation to food chain distribution which needs to change.
Life Cycle
Understand the life cycle of the frog can help us understand the way these frogs breed which can allow us to implement the right changes for these species.
One of the main reason suspected for these species of frog to intestate other lands can be due habitat loss.


To address the global spread of Bd it is crucial that a dedicated system is available to collect, map and model the prevalence of infection to aid control measures directed against Bd. We have developed Bd-Maps to be aimed at differing audiences (scientists, policy makers, the public) and we are focussed on addressing a number of questions (spread, epidemiology, evolution, control).


Global Summary

Any country represented in the database can be viewed through the country summary. Along with a map detailing distribution, summary statistics for sites, samples and species collected, data is returned indicating diagnostic techniques and genotypes if known. Within country surveillance is undertaken at the species level and country specific-cutoffs can be set by data managers.
The global distribution of any species submitted can be viewed. Statistics are viewable indicating number of individuals, number of sites sampled etc.. All data for the species is listed below a map of distribution and links to the IUCN and GAA are available on a species basis.
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Some Species


They are trying to work hard to help bring this species in control as they have proven to be very dangerous for native species.

Treva K. Sutton

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